20 Simple Mind-Hacks That Actually Work

100 Friends Live
14 min readJun 1, 2021

“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love …”
Marcus Aurelius


Everyone has a ‘monkey mind’ that keeps jabbering inside their mind.

We are not talking about the sort of ‘voice’ that some people hear, that will tell them they can fly or are the new Messiah. but the regular sort of ‘monkey mind’ all humans are equipped with, which is not that much more intelligent or reasoned.

This deep part of your animal psyche, is there to protect you from harm, and will keep jabbering… keep wondering… keep doubting… keep looking for pleasure… keep thinking about what can go wrong, instead of what can go right…

You will need to find ways to shut up your ‘monkey mind’ a bit more of the time, so that it does not derail you from your purpose.

None of the ‘mental mind-hacks’ included below are ‘cures’.

You cannot just think yourself well. In fact, you can think as positive as you like, but if you eat the wrong things,

no amount of positive thinking, journaling, vision walls or meditation will make your body that much healthier.

Mind-hacks are nevertheless incredibly important, as people never stop the programme for physical reasons (The programme is insanely healthy). People only ever stop the programme for emotional or mental reasons.

Their own ‘monkey mind’ — or the ‘monkey mind’ of their nearest or dearest — or the ‘monkey mind’ of what they watch on telly — kill their determination — and once you strip a human of a clear goal, a ‘why’ and determination, there is very little left.

Therefore put your monkey in its place, by reminding yourself of your mission, and have a few ‘mind-hacks’ at the ready if you face a challenging day.

Chances are that you will find the programme easy, but it is always good to be prepared for whatever life throws at you.

Build up a ‘toolbox’ of ‘mind-hacks’ and use them!


The best way to shut up your own ‘monkey mind’ — or the ‘monkey mind’ of others — is to have a clear sense of mission or goal.

Know what you want to achieve.

Know WHY you want to achieve it.

Perhaps write down your mission in large letters and hang it up on the fridge?

Write down your ‘whys’ (The reasons why you start the programme), in large letters, and hang those reasons up on the fridge too.

Put a date on a piece of paper, 3 weeks from now, and hang it inside of your fridge. This is how long you will stay on the programme.


Create your own little wall mural somewhere in your house you cannot avoid seeing daily.

If it your mission is to fit into a certain size bikini, then buy that bikini and HANG IT UP ON THE WALL.

If it is your mission to be able to run without pain, in shorts, as your legs are clean of psoriasis, then hang up your shorts, and a smiley photo of yourself!

Create your own wall mural, that shows you in photos or physical items, exactly why you are doing what you are doing, and what the positive outcome looks like.

Mirror Mirror…

Stop looking in the mirror.

Change will happen, but it won’t happen overnight.

If you want to use your mirror for something more productive, put up sticky notes on your mirror. Choose words that you know strongly resonate with you and your mission:

‘Let the past be the past. Let past setbacks be past setbacks

Let past pains be past pains. Let past pleasures be past pleasures. Every day is a new day, where I can choose to do things differently.’ Find words that resonate with you and your particular situation.

The words need to spur you on and inspire you to succeed and become more.

The words need to remind you of your mission. Remember it is the ‘Whys’ that truly matters.

Why is it you want to get well?

Remind yourself daily… hourly…


Every army has a morale department.

No army runs on (Gluten-free) bread alone.

Think of ways to celebrate yourself!

Celebrate yourself daily!

Celebrate yourself weekly!

Celebrate your health milestones!

No matter how good or how bad your day was, celebrate what went well — or at least wasn’t awful — that day.

Maybe you just did your bed, and everything went downhill from there. If that was the case clap your hands and tell yourself ‘well done!’ for doing your bed, and commit to do your bed AND eat a proper breakfast the next day.

When it comes to milestones, one of the best way to achieve milestones, is to tell your friends or your family what you have achieved AFTER you have achieved it.

If you tell them before you have achieved your goal, they will tell you you are wasting your time, and that you will never achieve anything.

If you tell them after you have achieved your goal, they can see the results for themselves and will be impressed.


Ask permission from your closest friends / on-line friends to contact them on specific days of each week, to just catch up on your progress.

If they understand what you are doing in advance and ‘sign up to help’, this can be invaluable.

They just have to listen to you for 5 minutes, so you are not asking a lot!

This ‘feedback loop’ with your mates, also makes you accountable, as you don’t want to have to tell them you ‘fell off the wagon’.

Just be careful not to put people on your ‘call a friend’ list that have even less discipline or determination than yourself!

If all of your nearest and dearest have a more active ‘monkey mind’ than yourself, and are low in the discipline department too, then you will just have to opt to talk to yourself instead!


Start talking to yourself!

Did you ever talk to yourself?

You should!

Go for a walk and talk out loud with yourself, your dog or God or the universe!

MIND: Discuss the problems of the day as they pop up in your mind.

MOUTH: Vocalise these problems and discuss the issues

MISSION: There is only ONE rule; Any subject brought up must be found a solution to, so that you can return to a clear sense of mission, and have no loose end at the end of each day.

Morning Journaling

People in general don’t like to listen to moaners or thinkers for very long… but your pencil and paper pad won’t complain.

Morning journaling literally takes 2 minutes, but those

2 minutes could become some of the most important

2 minutes you spend daily.

If you like the idea of journaling, then place a few sheets of paper next to your bed.

As you wake up write down exactly what you feel; whine, moan, complain, cry, be angry, happy, celebrate, write jokes, happy memories, poetry, swear words, plans, goals, praise for yourself! Whatever comes to mind!

Then crumble up the piece of paper and stick it in the bin.

Job done.

Yes, that’s it!

Those 2 minutes spent is the equivalent of a short chapter of your life story per month. As you continue this technique, you will notice that whines and complaints turn to ideas and goals, and negative situations turn to opportunities and plans.


Learn to find MEANING in everything that happens.

Simply assume that everything happens for a reason.

It does not really matter if this is universally true or not.

Simply take the standpoint that everything happens for a reason and find MEANING in everything. What is it you have to learn so that you can move on from the current situation?


As any physiotherapist will tell you: ‘Motion is Lotion’!

Your body was designed to move! Your lymphatic system, joints, gut and digestion are all designed to be inside a MOVING body.

‘Motion’ is also 6/7 of ‘e-motion’.

As hard to believe as it might be when you are stuck in a real low mood, one of the easiest ways to break out of that mood incredibly quickly, is simply by MOVING OUTSIDE.

The human body was designed to move.

Your lymphatic system hasn’t even got a pump!

Only movement will make it work.

The same is true for your mind.

Your mind works the best when your body moves, so MOVE!

One of the very best — and most overlooked — morale boosters, are simply very long walks.

Walks not only help your lungs bring in fresh oxygen to every cell in your body… help you digest… and help your lymph system clear out waste… it also works miracles for your mind.

You will go out despondent and come back determined.

If you happen to own a dog — or are able to walk someone else’s dog — then it only improves the experience.

Unlike some of your friends, dogs will also listen patiently to everything you have to say and agree with everything you say.

Before you try any more fancy ‘mind-hacks’, don’t forget to try the tested and tried milenium old hack of simply moving outside!

Exercise of any kind is encouraged!

Mood Enhancers

If you used to be an avid coffee drinker, and really need a mood enhancer one gritty grey morning, to get you going and staying the course, then use one!

A tiny, tiny bit of morning black coffee or a very occasional morning can of Coke Zero, might just give you that little push needed to get going.

Don’t start depending on caffeine stimulants, but it is better to drink a can of Coke Zero, than leave the programme and give up.

Green Tea comes in a variety of strengths. If you used to drink liters of coffee, maybe Pu-erh green tea is the tea for you to begin with.

Mind over (Subconscious) Mind

There is absolutely no way you can just ’think yourself well’ by connecting to the wave of ‘consciousness at the quantum level’ or similar. Sorry!

The ‘vibrations’ of the white bread, vegetable oils, sugar legumes and junk will still make your body sick.

That said, science is also clear that there is enormous power in engaging with your subconscious mind, providing your subconscious mind with CLEAR GOALS, you then ORDER your subconscious mind to believe in.

Your subconscious mind is a very rebellious ‘monkey mind’, but if you just shout loud enough, clap your hands hard enough, and plaster your bedroom wall with images of you healthy, slim and happy, your subconscious mind will start helping you.

This can be a gentle meditative process, where you calmly speak to your subconscious mind and ask for it’s help in keeping you on track and getting well.

It is however more effective for busy people to simply treat their subconscious mind like an unruly child.

Order your subconscious mind to help you achieve the goals you have set, and remember to focus on the ‘whys’.

Set clear goals, and just clap your hands, shout ‘That’s it! Let’s go!’ and then you (And your subconscious mind) just move in direction health!

The M.I.N.D and M.O.V.E. daily very short morning routines will help you absolutely focus your subconscious mind with a razor sharp focus.

Mind Manifests

There is no way you can just ‘think yourself well’ while eating the types of food that trigger immune reactions.

James Randi famously still has a 1 million dollar prize available to anyone that can prove the existence of anything paranormal. He announced the prize in 1964, but no one has come forward to claim it.

That is not to say, that your mind is not immensely powerful.

Your mind IS immensely powerful.

Use the power of your mind and subconscious mind to set simple, clear goals.

Once these goals are set, never spend a second negotiating these until they are achieved.

Your own ‘monkey mind’ and the ‘monkey minds’ of everyone around you, are designed to desperately question everything AND look for pleasure at the same time.

Shut up your own ‘monkey mind’ by setting it crystal clear goals, and run, jump, shout, clap your hands or whatever it takes, until that goal has just been hammered into it as non-negotiable.

Then disregard everyone else’s ’monkey minds’

Use the power of your mind to manifest that goal through dedicated practical day to day planning and effort, and don’t waver until your goal has been achieved.

Music & Movies

A few find themselves exhausted to begin with as they come off caffeine, junk and medicine (With their doctors consent).

The idea of running, jumping or even clapping their hands the first few days, just seem too much to even think about.

If you really struggle with tiredness the first couple of days, then it is a good idea for you to just ‘give up’ for a while.

You of course won’t give up on what matters.

You will only give up on what does not matter as much.

Sign up to some music and movie streaming services, and just allow yourself to collapse in front of the screen for a couple of days.

If you live with difficult people, discuss this strategy with your nearest and dearest before you start the programme.

You do not want to spend any of your precious healing time fighting with insensitive people over tiny details of no importance.

Also PLAN which music and movies and series to watch in advance, and select these carefully, as they need to spur you on to ever greater success!

Some might opt for inspiring sporting documentaries… others for optimistic travel programmes… or people who travel the world on a shoestring budget… or build their own home… or overcame impossible odds to succeed… or whatever takes your fancy, as long as it will boost morale!

When the worst tiredness is over, set your M.I.N.D. to work and get out and M.O.V.E.

The M.I.N.D. and M.O.V.E. morning routines really DO move mental mountains.

If anyone can move real mountains with their mind, hurry up and claim that 1 million dollar prize, and move the Alps to your own backyard, so that you can enjoy skiing daily.


This book was designed to allow everyone to run their own low-cost retreats in the comfort of their own home.

Some are able to pay a thousand dollars to go on a retreat in Denmark or pay for private consultations in London, L.A. or on-line. If you are financially able to do so, do get in touch and let us guide you through the whole process.

If you are not, then this book will be your guide. It contains every bit of information you need to succeed. You just have to do all of the work yourself.

Some, who cannot afford private consultations or retreats, decide to hire a mentor they can speak to at regular intervals

If you are not able to hire someone outright, you might want to think of a couple of positive thinkers in your immediate circle of friends, family, teachers or colleagues, that you can ‘sign up’ to talk to you once per week.

Many life coaches are like actors and dancers in that they have no work, but are natural positive thinkers.

It is likely that you can find a life coach ready to chat to you 15 minutes a day at the same set time for next to no money.

This is a great idea. Don’t be afraid to reach out.

Any positive thinker will do! As long as they don’t start selling you powders or pills.

Motivational Audio

Many fantastic mentors have found a new home on youtube.

Why watch baking programmes or stressfull or depressing movies, when you can just close your eyes and listen to great minds on youtube.

If you feel tired, simply lie down and listen to motivational talks by great coaches.

Youtube is full of free motivational talks for you to fall asleep to, wake up to and live by! Make use of them!

Feed your mind.


Turn off your mobile cell phone and see what happens.

Teenagers are getting more and more unhappy the more they are glued to the screen of their highly addictive mobile phone.

Imagine how relaxed you could be if you did not spend at least 8 hours per day on your mobile phone. Switch it off.


‘Switch off my mobile???’ you ask.

Try it! There are many other things you can use your time on.

About 15% of the world’s population meditates, and this number is steadily rising.

Meditation is a bit like Yoga; It has been around for thousands of years, simply because it works.

There are several apps out there designed to teach you how to meditate, calm down, breathe, think positive and find peace in your soul.

Spotify, youtube etc. are also packed full of free meditation commentaries and meditation music or sounds of waterfalls and bird tweets (Real bird tweets! Not twitter)

Make use of them, if this appeals to you, and you think it can help you manage your emotions

Don’t do it if it seems like yet another thing you ‘have’ to do.

You don’t have to!

That said, many report that meditation for them is the difference between a life that works and flows — and one that does not.

Meditation can be life changing.

Marvel at Everything & Mindfulness

Many people are opposed to organised religion. They rightly say that organised religion has caused unbelievable suffering, and still does, and that the European enlightenment and the division between state and church was what brought most of the world out of the dark ages — not religion!

It is certainly true that the most oppressive countries in the world, with the least amount of free speech, are also the most religious, most violent, with the least respect for human life.

The very idea of praying, meditating or visualising can therefore still bring up strong negative feelings in some.

If that is you, then consider daily walks where you just take time to breathe and marvel at everything; the trees, the flowers, the air… or practise mindfulness at a set time each day for 5 minutes… or sign up to apps such as Headspace that are strictly non-religious.

Don’t make the mistake of just discarding it all as baloney.

It is very healthy indeed to create a daily short mental ‘breathing space’ for yourself. This is especially true for you as you are in the midst of changing your life for the better.

It can literally be a 5 minute daily routine at a set time!

Time it on your phone, so that you can prove to your ‘monkey mind’ that you didn’t sit down to relax for more than 5 minutes, and still have the 2 hours you need to watch TV in…


You of course don’t have time to meditate for an hour daily… and then exercise for an hour… and then… Few People have THAT sort of time available to them in their daily lives!

BUT you DO HAVE A COUPLE OF MINUTES to do yoga every morning — or to simply lie flat on your back and stretch if you are too tired to do yoga stretches

You DO HAVE 1 minute once a day to just write down how you feel on a piece of paper (Micro-journaling) and then chug the piece of paper in the bin

You DO HAVE the time to jump around for 3 minutes = the length of 1 pop song each day — to get your lymphatic system moving (Micro-exercising)

You get the idea!

It applies to all areas of the new healthy life you are building

These simple technique will vastly improve your health, the quality of your work, and your relationships

Buy a minute glass on Amazon!

Turn it upside down and meditate for that 1 minute!

Over time, 1 single minute spent meditating, or a couple of minutes spent exercising, turns into hours and days, and life-long healthy habits.

You sow small seeds… that will reap BIG results over time.

Life is long.

Complete an Ironman Monthly!

Would you like to complete a full Iron Man Triathlon once a month?

An Iron Man includes a staggering 4 km swim, 180 km biking, and a full 42 km marathon. Impossible! right?

Break it down into ‘micros’, and it is pretty easy. Simply:

Run 1 ½ km every morning (10 minutes)

Swim 500 m twice per week (15 minutes)

Bike to work 3 km each way per day (20 minutes)

You will have completed more than an Iron Man monthly!


You will have:

  • Swum more than 4 km!
  • Biked more than 180 km!
  • Run more than a full 42 km marathon!

‘Micro’ everything, and give yourself a medal monthly!

Live with love

We here at 100 Friends Live believe we can help you fix your health problems inside 3 x 5 days — not because we say so, but because science says so, and we have helped over 40.000 people this far.



100 Friends Live

International speaker & author Kenny Mortensen PGCE is the author of the 40.000+ best-seller: YOUR GUT or YOUR LIFE & the Director of the 100 Friends Retreat